





Katherine Anne Porter|キャサリン・アン・ポーター

Was he going this minute? He certainly was. She thought so. Sometimes it seemed to her he had second sight about the precisely perfect moment to leave her ditched. She had meant to put the mattresses out to sun, if they put them out this minute they would get at least three hours, he must have heard her say that morning she meant to put them out. So of course he would walk off and leave her to it. She supposed he thought the exercise would do her good.


彼は今すぐ行ったの? 彼は確かにそうした。 彼女はそう思った。彼は彼女を立ち去る完璧な瞬間を正確に予想できそうに見えた。ときどき、彼女はそう信じた。彼女はマットレスを日に当たらせるつもりだった。今からそうしたら、少なくとも3時間できる。彼はきっと今朝、彼女がそうするつもりだったことを聞いた。だからもちろん、彼は彼女を立ち去って彼女に任せた。彼は多分それが彼女にとって良い運動と考えた。彼女はそう思った。

Well, he was merely going to get her coffee. A four-mile walk for two pounds of coffee was ridiculous, but he was perfectly willing to do it. The habit was making a wreck of her, but if she wanted to wreck herself there was nothing he could do about it. If he thought it was coffee that was making a wreck of her, she congratulated him: he must have a damned easy conscience.


まあ、彼は彼女のコーヒーを取り戻しに行くだけだった。 2ポンドのコーヒーのために、4マイルも歩くのはバカバカしいお話かもしれないけど、彼は喜んでそうしするだった。彼女のコーヒーを飲む習慣は、彼女の人生をひどく混乱させた。けど、彼女は気にしないなら、彼も言う立場もないだろう。もし彼は彼女の人生がコーヒーのせいで混乱になっちゃたのを信じたら、彼女は絶対に彼にそう伝える:彼の思想は簡単すぎた。

Conscience or no conscience, he didn’t see why the mattresses couldn’t very well wait until tomorrow. And anyhow, for God’s sake, were they living in the house, or were they going to let the house ride them to death? She paled at this, her face grew livid about the mouth, she looked quite dangerous, and reminded him that housekeeping was no more her work than it was his: she had other work to do as well, and when did he think she was going to find time to do it at this rate?



Was she going to start on that again? She knew as well as he did that his work brought in the regular money, hers was only occasional, if they depended on what she made – and she might as well get straight on this question once for all!



That was positively not the point. The question was, when both of them were working on their own time, was there going to be a division of the housework, or wasn’t there? She merely wanted to know, she had to make her plans. Why, he thought that was all arranged. It was understood that he was to help. Hadn’t he always, in summers?


それは問題のポイントじゃなかった。問題のポイントは、二人とも自分の時間を使って働いているなら、家事は二人で分担するか?それともそんなことはないか? 彼女は単なる知りたいだけで、自分の計画を立てる必要があるからだった。なぜ?彼はそれが決めていたと思った。彼は彼女の助手で、いつも彼女を助けるだけじゃない?この夏のように。

Hadn’t he, though? Oh, just hadn’t he? And when, and where, and doing what? Lord, what an uproarious joke!


彼はそうではなかったの?彼はそうしたの?いつ、どこで、何をしていたの? すごく滑稽な大冗談だろう!

It was such a very uproarious joke that her face turned slightly purple, and she screamed with laughter. She laughed so hard she had to sit down, and finally a rush of tears spurted from her eyes and poured down into the lifted corners of her mouth. He dashed towards her and dragged her up to her feet and tried to pour water on her head. The dipper hung by a string on a nail and he broke it loose. Then he tried to pump water with one hand while she struggled in the other. So he gave it up and shook her instead.



She wrenched away, crying out for him to take his rope and go to hell, she had simply given him up: and ran. He heard her high-heeled bedroom slippers clattering and stumbling on the stairs.



He went out around the house and into the lane; he suddenly realized he had a blister on his heel and his shirt felt as if it were on fire. Things broke so suddenly you didn’t know where you were. She could work herself into a fury about simply nothing. She was terrible, damn it: not an ounce of reason. You might as well talk to a sieve as that woman when she got going. Damned if he’d spend his life humoring her! Well, what to do now? He would take back the rope and exchange it for something else. Things accumulated, things were mountainous, you couldn’t move them or sort them out or get rid of them. They just lay and rotted around. He’d take it back. Hell, why should he? He wanted it. What was it anyhow? A piece of rope. Imagine anybody caring more about a piece of rope than about a man’s feelings. What earthly right had she to say a word about it? He remembered all the useless, meaningless things she bought for herself: Why? because I wanted it, that’s why! He stopped and selected a large stone by the road. He would put the rope behind it. He would put it in the tool-box when he got back. He’d heard enough about it to last him a life-time.



When he came back she was leaning against the post box beside the road waiting. It was pretty late, the smell of broiled steak floated nose high in the cooling air. Her face was young and smooth and fresh-looking. Her unmanageable funny black hair was all on end. She waved to him from a distance, and he speeded up. She called out that supper was ready and waiting, was he starved?



You bet he was starved. Here was the coffee. He waved it at her. She looked at his other hand. What was that he had there?



Well, it was the rope again. He stopped short. He had meant to exchange it but forgot. She wanted to know why he should exchange it, if it was something he really wanted. Wasn’t the air sweet now, and wasn’t it fine to be here?



She walked beside him with one hand hooked into his leather belt. She pulled and jostled him a little as he walked, and leaned against him. He put his arm clear around her and patted her stomach. They exchanged wary smiles. Coffee, coffee for the Ootsum-Wootsums! He felt as if he were bringing her a beautiful present.



He was a love, she firmly believed, and if she had had her coffee in the morning, she wouldn’t have behaved so funny . . . There was a whippoorwill still coming back, imagine, clear out of season, sitting in the crab-apple tree calling all by himself. Maybe his girl stood him up. Maybe she did. She hoped to hear him once more, she loved whippoorwills . . . He knew how she was, didn’t he?



Sure, he knew how she was.






  • Porter, Katherine Anne. “Rope.” The Collected Stories of Katherine Anne Porter. 12th ed., New York: Harcourt Brace, 1979. 42-48. Print.